Pet Diagnostics Now
Radiology and Sonography
Quick imaging and board-certified radiologist reviews when time matters most.
Open 7 days, Pet Diagnostics Now processes thousands of radiology and sonogram services annually. Our services are private, quick, and no doctor visit is required. The results of these evaluations allow us to “see inside” of a pet, providing for:
Lifesaving early disease detection
Disease prevention
Cancer detection
Adjunct to telemedicine
Facilitation of a medical referral
Veterinarian knowledge to guide best medicines and treatments
Digital Radiology Services
Pet Diagnostics Now offers fast, state of the art digital radiology and interpretations provided by renowned board-certified radiologists to help veterinarians and their families to have answers now. Pet Diagnostics Now has the latest in radiography equipment, providing detail, resolution, and contrast image quality that is visibly superior to Standard Definition systems, offering the best detail and imaging available today.
Digital Dental Radiology
Pet Diagnostics Now provides unsurpassed intraoral and periodontal digital imaging, essential for effective diagnosis and endodontic treatments. High Definition image technology provides confidence in accurate dental diagnoses.
Our ultrasound machines offer the newest in technology and are equipped with an array of specialized probes able to image anything from tiny exotic pets and kittens to large Mastiffs and large companion animals like alpacas! Our ultrasound studies are reviewed by renowned board-certified radiologists and results are shared with the pet’s family and doctor for a shared approach in treatment.
*Additionally, our outreach house call service can be scheduled for home visits for mobile radiology and sonogram services.
Laboratory Services
Open 7 days, Pet Diagnostics Now provides quick, in-house testing when time matters most. Our laboratory equipment is calibrated with precision to provide the most accurate results. We accept laboratory samples from referring veterinarians, and our gentle pet phlebotomists will collect samples on site.
Processing thousands of laboratory services annually, our services are private, quick, and no doctor visit is required. The results of these evaluations allow us to “see inside” of a pet, providing for:
STAT laboratory results 7 days a week
Lifesaving early disease detection
Disease prevention
Establishment of baseline values
Cancer detection
Chronic medication monitoring
Adjunct to telemedicine
Facilitation of a medical referral
Veterinarian knowledge to guide best medicines and treatments
Blood Evaluations
CBC- This evaluation of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets can suggest whether dehydration, anemia, bacteria, viruses, or even cancer are affecting a pet.
Comprehensive Organ Function Chemistry- This evaluation looks at the substances in the blood from various organs. This testing provides information on internal organs such as the liver, kidneys, pancreas, and intestines. Additionally, this evaluation provides critical knowledge of electrolyte and protein levels.
Thyroid/Lipid Screen- In dogs, low thyroid levels are frequently linked with high levels of triglycerides and high levels of cholesterol. An underactive thyroid gland slows metabolism, leading to weight gain, poor hair coat, increased pigmentation of the skin, slow healing, susceptibility to skin and ear infections, muscle weakness, lethargy, and sometimes intolerance to cold temperature. Conversely, cats are more likely to have issues with excess thyroid hormones which leads to weight loss, vomiting, strokes, or heart issues. Identifying thyroid disease can provide safe treatment options.
4DX/Heartworm, Ehrlichia, Anaplasma, and Lyme Disease Testing- These blood parasites commonly effect dogs and can cause anything from chronic dehabilitation to sudden death. Each of these dangerous blood parasites are transmitted by vectors such as mosquitos and ticks.
Triple Snap/Feline AIDS(FIV), Leukemia and Heartworm Testing- These dangerous infections can be transmitted directly or indirectly between cats. Frequently, cats may appear normal externally in the early stages of these diseases and early detection can impact longevity significantly.
Clotting Profile- Autoimmune disorders and toxins or rodenticides, may interfere with a pet’s normal clotting ability. Diagnosis of clotting disorders can provide guidance for lifesaving treatment measures. Also this test provides pre-operative screening that helps to avoid bleeding complications during surgery.
Blood typing- Blood typing is a necessary tool to help avoid reactions for pets receiving blood products. Blood typing also allows for pets to become regular blood donors to save the lives of other pets.
Blood gases- Blood gases are evaluated to measure the oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the blood, as well as the body’s acid-base balance. This test reveals clues about how well the lungs, heart, and kidneys are functioning and is usually done for patients that have a serious injury or severe, acute illness.
Cushing’s Testing- Cushing’s Disease is a common, yet challenging, condition to diagnose. A variety of tests exist to help diagnose this condition, where too much natural cortisone is produced in the body. Symptoms of Cushing’s may include excessive drinking and urination, panting, a “pot bellied” appearance, thin hair coat, and fragile skin with or without calcium deposits
Diabetes Testing and Monitoring- Blood glucose testing, fructosamine, and A1C evaluations are available to diagnose or monitor diabetic patients. Blood sugar management is critical for overall body health and can prevent diabetic crises, blindness, and even death.
Gastrointestinal Profile- In tandem with Texas A&M University, this profile provides measurements of pancreatic function and various vitamin levels. The results of this can reveal treatment options for patients with chronic gastrointestinal upset issues.
Urine testing
Urinalysis- Utilizing advanced computer technology, urine samples are evaluated for blood, white blood cells, other abnormal cells, urinary tract parasites, bacteria, abnormal sediment, and crystals which may be the building blocks for the formation of bladder stones. Additionally, this evaluation provides information on urine concentration and pH which are measurements of overall urinary tract health. Performing this test allows for the identification of bladder infections, kidney health, diabetes, certain cancers, and other internal medicine conditions.
Urine Culture- This diagnostic test is particularly useful for patients having a chronic history of urinary tract infections. Utilizing this technology, bacteria from the bladder is grown in the laboratory setting where individual antibiotics are tested for their efficacy against the specific organisms identified. By performing this test, the quickest pathway to finding effective antibiotics may be found, removing the need for trail-and-error antibiotic therapy.
Drug Exposure Screening- As in people, urine testing provides one of the most reliable means of identification of drug exposure. This test provides information on whether a pet may have been intentionally or unintentionally exposed to drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine, amphetamines, ecstasy, morphine, phencyclidine, benzodiazepines, methadone, barbiturates, oxycodone, buprenorphine, tricyclic antidepressants, opiates, and propoxyphene.
Fecal Testing
Imagist Stool Evaluation- Intestinal parasites are common and can affect the entire body over time, leading to digestive upsets, loose stool, constipation, gas, weight loss, bloating, anorexia, anemia, poor hair coat, muscle wasting, and even death. Initially, there may be no outward symptoms of intestinal parasites, which is why regular fecal testing is important. Fecal testing pets semi-annually protects pets and their families too. The same parasites that effect pets can harm people too. Visceral larval migrans, “creeping eruptions”, and blindness are just a few of the conditions that occur when people acquire animal parasites. Our method of fecal testing involves high speed centrifugation of samples and dual testing with both Sheather’s solution and zinc sulfate for maximum parasite detection. Further, our laboratory uses a unique, patented “smart” microscope system. This unique diagnostic platform also uses a team of highly qualified, board certified parasitologists to review samples for the most accurate method of parasite detection. Pet Diagnostics Now is proud to be #1 in all of North America in using the largest parasite database available. Also, we recommend year-round parasite protection with Revolution Plus for cats and Sentinel Spectrum and Bravecto for dogs for the most complete parasite protection.
Fecal Culture- Fecal cultures may be utilized to identify the cause of severe or bloody diarrhea or an increased amount of stomach or intestinal gas. This testing may also help find the cause of nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, bloating belly pain, cramping, and fever.
Skin testing
Intradermal skin testing for allergies
Skin cytology evaluation
Fungal culture/PCR Testing
Call now to take the first step toward finding peace of mind.
(903) 536-2424